What is Nitrous Oxide ?

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What is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide has the chemistry term ‘nitric oxide,’ an inorganic compound of nitrogen and oxygen, abbreviated. You can also write it as N2O. This gas can be used for many different purposes and is an anesthetic gas. It can be used in the food industry, as an anesthetic by dentists, and car racing. 

The gas is colorless and has a slightly sweet taste and smell in normal conditions. When used under high pressure in engines, the gas works as an accelerator or supercharging system that offers extra vehicle power. It is also considered a potent greenhouse gas.

Nitrous oxide – Temperature and pressure

N2O has a temperature and pressure of about 309.56 K and 72.45 bar. The temperature is 36 K above the freezing point of water, so hospitals can use it safely in a medical laboratory under various conditions. 

How do you make nitrous oxide? 

The gas can be made in a laboratory by heating ammonium nitrate. Two different substances are released when this happens: ammonia gas and hydrogen nitrate. However, the collection underwater creates nitrous oxide through water displacement. 


What exactly happens when you inhale nitrous oxide, and how can it be used medically? When inhaled, a drop in the partial pressure of oxygen causes hypoxia in the blood, lungs, and brain. This causes consciousness to become lower and lower and sometimes feel like intoxication. You can get this feeling from a lack of oxygen at high altitudes, such as mountain climbers.

Effects of Nitrous Oxide 

The exact effect is not yet fully known; a night of deep sleep occurs, also called anesthesia or general anesthesia. What is known is that N2O can provide pain relief, anxiety reduction, and minimal sedation. 

The amount of oxygen and nitrous oxide combination is considered per patient. 

Want to know more about nitrous oxide? Please feel free to contact us.

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